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Biosonics:Tuning Fork 3366.72cps 【月亮/水晶音叉】
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月亮的脈動頻率是每秒 3366.72cps,月亮/水晶音叉是以同樣的頻率製作而成,配合水晶一同使用,亦可增強水晶的療癒效果。 月亮掌管我們個人的情緒與習慣,同時代表著我們對於情感的表現方式,使用月亮水晶音叉可以: 1. 平衡及舒緩個人情緒; 2. 放慢腳步,變得更柔軟柔和; 3. 月亮溫柔的能量,帶來情緒上的寧靜; 4. 順著生命而流動而轉變; 5. 淨化水晶,擴大水晶能量 With a frequency tuned to the pulsation of the Moon, the Crystal Tuner amplifies the healing power of crystals through sonic vibration. Enhancing a crystal’s ability for light conduction and powerful sound healing, when tapped on a crystal, this tuning fork forms a bridge between Heaven and Earth. When you lightly hold the Crystal and Crystal Tuning Fork, a pulsating wave moving between the tuning fork and crystal may be felt. Benefits: Powerful sound healing Enhances a crystal’s ability for light conduction Forms a bridge between Heaven and Earth *Crystal and pouch are not included. Instructions: Hold a quartz crystal in one hand and the crystal tuning fork in your other hand. Gently tap the crystal fork on a crystal. Close your eyes and meditate on the sound as well as the feeling of the crystal in your hand. When working with another person, hold the crystal off the body with the point towards the area you want to energize. Gently tap the crystal with the tuning fork. Let the sound move gently into the person’s energy field. Visualize it with color and/or spinning in a positive direction. There are many possibilities for the Crystal Tuning Fork. Let your creativity and healing ability be your guide. Size: 5.5 × 5 × .5 in
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